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1. Does active participation in EQA improve quality of the sweat test? Salvatore M (Rome, Italy): European Society of Cystic Fibrosis Conference (#ECFSgoesDigital)

I risultati del CEQ test del sudore saranno presentati nel corso della 44esima edizione della European Society of Cystic Fibrosis Conference (#ECFSgoesDigital). In particolare saranno presentati i risultati del lavoro pubblicato sulla rivista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020; 4;17(9):3196. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17093196) di cui riportiamo a seguire l’abstract


(1) Background: Diagnostic testing for cystic fibrosis (CF) is based on a sweat chloride test (SCT) considering the appropriate signs and symptoms of the disease and results of a gene mutation analysis. In 2014, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) established a pilot Italian external quality assessment program for CF SCT (Italian EQA-SCT), which is now a third party service carried out by the ISS. (2) Methods: The ongoing scheme is prospective, enrollment is voluntary, and the payment of a fee is required. Results are shared through a dedicated web-facility. Assessment covers the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results. (3) Results: Thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, and fifteen different laboratories, respectively, participated from 2015 to 2016 and from 2018 to 2019 in the Italian EQA-SCT scheme. Eleven different laboratories participated each year in all four rounds of the Italian EQA-SCT. (4) Conclusions: The overall results obtained from the laboratories participating constantly clearly show that their qualitative and quantitative performance improved significantly. This is due to the opportunity-after receiving the EQA results-to constantly review their performance and address any inconsistencies. We firmly believe that participation in the EQA program will improve the quality of participating laboratories and that EQA participation should become mandatory as a fundamental requirement for laboratory accreditation.


2. Riunione congiunta Gruppo di Lavoro Test del Sudore, Genetisti e Commissione ricerca 3 Giugno 2021. Società Italiana Fibrosi Cistica.

I risultati del CEQ test del sudore 2020 – 2021 saranno discussi in occasione della riunione congiunta Gruppo di Lavoro Test del Sudore, Genetisti e Commissione ricerca che si terrà il prossimo 3 Giugno 2021 in modalità on-line.


3. Il Controllo Esterno di qualità del test del sudore al Corso “NUOVE STRATEGIE NELLA DIAGNOSI E NELLA TERAPIA DI PRECISIONE DELLA FIBROSI CISTICA” che si terrà il 24 e 25 giugno in modalità online.

In allegato il programma dell' evento